Original price was: ₦15,750.00.Current price is: ₦7,450.00.

(9 customer reviews)

The No-Nonsense guide to Real Estate money spinning business is Nigeria’s very first, most comprehensive and ultimate guide for success in real estate brokerage business.

In this book, Dr. Freeman Osonuga, an expert property broker who has successfully made several hundreds of enterprising individuals millionaires through real estate takes you by the hand and walks you through the steps to mint money.



The No-Nonsense guide to Real Estate money spinning business is Nigeria’s very first, most comprehensive and ultimate guide for success in real estate brokerage business.


In this book, Dr. Freeman Osonuga, an expert property broker who has successfully made several hundreds of enterprising individuals millionaires through real estate takes you by the hand and walks you through the steps to mint money.


It is written in a simple easy to understand language, filled with practical wisdom gathered from extensive research and hands-on experience from years implementing these cutting-edge business strategies.


Among many other important lessons, you will discover:

  • How to earn 7-digit income in Real Estate with Zero Capital.
  • 5 main ways to create wealth from Real estate.
  • The Real Estate book of life.
  • 9 different types of Marketing to explore.
  • How to define your Ideal client persona.
  • 7 components of an effective Social media marketing plan.
  • The 5 most critical stages of a sales process.
  • 5 proven strategies for overcoming sales objections.
  • 3 main strategies for increasing your rates of closing sales.
  • The 3Rs of Excellent Customer Service.
  • How to use Attraction Marketing to your Advantage.
  • and lots more.


Grab a copy and get the license to print money through real estate!


  1. Dr. Oluwadare Kehinde (Hacco)

    This book, PRINT MONEY WITH ZERO CAPITAL is the much-needed dossier for anybody who doesn’t want to be caught or incarcerated in the labyrinth of poverty and professional enclosure. It has the therapeutic tendencies to cure the poverty of the mind, be it acute or chronic. The author, Dr. Freeman Osonuga, has done well to lay bare golden secrets for prosperity.

    Dr. Oluwadare Kehinde (Hacco)
    Hon. Commissioner for Youth & Sports, Ogun State

  2. Steve Harris

    Dr. Freeman Osonuga has written a great book that shows how you can leverage your expertise and other platforms to acquire wealth.

    Steve Harris
    Life & Business Strategist.

  3. Lalit Gotham

    “Great book, many Inspirational stories from Nigeria, well-articulated book, great read. ”

    Lalit Gotham
    Forbes 30 Under 30 Europe

  4. Stephen Akintayo

    Dr. Freeman Osonuga’s PRINT MONEY WITH ZERO CAPITAL is highly recommended for a successful start-up in real estate. It is the most practical start-up book I have ever read. The art of keeping clients, networking, earning, discipline, persistency, tools, and a whole lot more are expatiated on. All realtors, both old and new must read and re-read this book.

    Stephen Akintayo
    Africa’s Foremost Investment Coach & Serial Entrepreneur

  5. Calvin Jodisi

    Dr. Freeman Osonuga is a great thinker and a wonderful writer. You must get a copy of this book because every single page counts. Learn to invest in real estate and PRINT MONEY WITH ZERO CAPITAL.

    Calvin Jodisi
    CEO, Asenti Africa – Kenya

  6. Dapo Ogunmilade Esq.

    This book is novel! It is the first of its kind in the Nigerian real estate business space. It distinguishes the regular agency business from that of a professional realtor. It explains most of what realtors learn sitting in several training booths.

    ‘Dapo Ogunmilade Esq.
    Partner, Aetos Legal

  7. Anthony Onyemauwa

    This book is perhaps the most comprehensive “tell it as it is” book on real estate in Nigeria. It is also the first of its kind. Dr. Freeman Osonuga lays it bare for all to see and know, but most importantly, he holds you by hand through the brightly and resonating illustrated pages, leading you down the golden corridors of financial possibilities. Literally, in this book, he hands you the keys to the kingdom of financial freedom via real estate. The question is, what are you going to do with these keys?

    Anthony Onyemauwa
    Lead Consultant, Firebrand Marketing Solutions Limited.

  8. Dr. Shogo

    Positive, upbeat, actionable, attainable, educating, and readable. Put into practice all you have learnt in this book, for the skills outlined in the book can be life-changing.

    Dr. Shogo
    Personal Productivity Coach

  9. Iyore Ogbuigwe (aka King Of Sales)

    “Dr. Freeman poured out his heart in this book. As I read through the pages, I could feel the love he has for realtors; deeply wanting them to succeed. He left nothing out as every page had detailed information. Step by step, he walks you through paths he has taken to success, and if anyone follows that path as a realtor, they definitely will succeed too”.

    Iyore Ogbuigwe (aka King Of Sales)
    Sales Training Consultant
    Ultravantage Sales Solutions

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